Murfreesboro, TN newborn & maternity photographer
family photographer, senior photography
Photographing seniors is like the last hurrah. I start documenting your child's journey right when they come into this world. That will always be my favorite thing but man, I love seeing who they turn into. I haven't personally been with a human from birth to senior year. I'm not old enough. I am only 28 years old. One day I will get to that point. The idea of them being someone's baby no matter how old is so precious. It doesn't matter if they're 18 and about to head off into the world. THEY ARE YOUR BABY.
I take so much pleasure into photographing that very first and very last stage of your baby's childhood.
That Friday evening with this senior was so exciting. The sessions itself was so much fun but I loved hearing about what comes next and how this senior adores his younger sister. He didn't say that specifically but talking about her was the key to showing his smile. He even did a couple poses that she wanted him to do. I'll share that below. He was a pretty serious senior, but you can totally tell how easy going he is. His mom will forever cherish who he is in these pictures. I'm so glad I can give that to her.
"This picture is for my sister"
This senior photography session took place at Coffee County Central High School's football field here in Manchester, TN.
Congratulations to Class of 2022 at Coffee Country Central High School!